Making Housing More Affordable

Resident Advisory Board

Agenda & Minutes

June 28, 2023

Meeting Date & Time

Date: June 28, 2023

Location: MHA (Garden Room) and Zoom

In Attendance:


Michael Harris (Chair)

Kevin Gladstone

Regina Talton

Tanya Rouin

Mark Galperin

Edmond Clark

Royce McLemore

Thos Chapman

Lynnette Frary (via Zoom)


MHA Staff – Kimberly Carroll (Executive Director)

Kathleen Wyatt (Director, Housing Operations)

Adrian Chorley (Director, Housing Development/Revitalization)

Yashica Simpson-Franklin (Public Housing Property Manager)

Joanne Roberts (Assistant Manager - HCV)

Karen Baird (Executive Assistant/IT)

After a Board training session, led by Ms. Wyatt, between 12 Noon and 2:30 p.m., and a brief recess, the Chair brought the Meeting to order at 2:45 p.m.


Attendees introduced themselves.


Upon motion duly made (Mr. Chapman) and seconded (Mr. Gladstone), request was made to accept the Minutes of the Meeting of May 24, 2023. The Vote in favor of acceptance was unanimous, with two members abstaining because they had not attended the May meeting (Ms. McLemore and Mr. Chapman). Unanimous consent was given to accept a revised format, suggested by Mr. Clark, for reporting of the minutes of future meetings of the RAB.


Because Mr. Galperin had additional information relating to an issue about landlord rent increase notices to tenants he had raised at the May meeting under New Business, he requested that information he received from Marin Legal Aid on the issue, subsequent to the May meeting, be reflected.


Mr. Galperin reported that the issue he raised at the May meeting, about certain statutory regulation requirements pertaining to notification to tenants of landlord rent increases, was determined by Marin Legal Aid, in their opinion by way of communication to him, to not include the category of tenants Mr. Galperin claimed. Therefore, upon motion duly made by Mr. Galperin, and seconded by Mr. Clark, a request to include in the June minutes his recent receipt of this subsequent clarifying information which provides a resolution of the issue, was made. The Vote in favor of including the additional information was unanimous.


Upon Motion duly made (Mr. Gladstone) and seconded (Ms. Rouin), it was recommended that Margaret Nolan, a non-member of the Resident Advisory Board, be employed as an independent contractor to prepare the minutes of meetings of the Board. The Marin Housing Authority will provide Ms. Nolan with the Zoom recordings and transcripts of meetings for these purposes. The motion carried with one objection (Mr. Clark) noted.

Discussion on the following items took place with motions or actions indicated.

Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees:

Role of the RAB: A brief discussion of the advisory, but very important role of the RAB was held after members had viewed the video presentation which was a part of the training, and read an opinion memorandum on the subject which had been prepared and previously distributed by Mr. Clark. Mr. Clark’s memo is included as a part of these minutes.


Bylaws: As a part of a discussion on bylaws, Ms. Wyatt, as an example, distributed to Members a copy of the bylaws currently in effect at the San Diego RAB - The Housing Authority of the County of San Diego Resident Advisory Board. Upon motion duly made (Mr. Clark) and seconded (Mr. Galperin), it was voted to accept an offer by Mr. Clark to draft proposed bylaws for the Resident Advisory Board, and provide this work for inclusion for discussion on the agenda at the July Regular Meeting. The Vote in favor of authorizing Mr. Clark to draft proposed bylaws for review by the Members at their July meeting passed without exception.  Out of respect for the process Mr. Clark abstained.  


Agency Plan Update: The draft of the 2024 Agency Plan update was provided to members. Some preliminary comments and questions were discussed. Ms. Wyatt asked members to review and prepare to make comments at the next meeting on the draft plan. She said final comments on the plan will be due August 25.


Capital Fund Status and Physical Needs Assessment: Mr. Chorley reported that the Physical Needs Assessment was conducted by a third-party provider under contract with MHA between May 30th and June 2nd. MHA will compile the results and present the information to the RAB at the July meeting. Mr. Chorley will also provide an update on the capital fund budget for 2024 at that time. He defined for the additional new members what AMP1 and AMP2 are, and explained, with comments from Ms. Carroll, that the funding provided by HUD is all that is presently available to MHA for performance of necessary building maintenance and to make desired improvements.

Resident Council Update: Ms. McLemore, on behalf of AMP1 and the Golden Gate Village Resident Council, reported on several ongoing issues and projects, including, the RFQ committee, the maintenance plan, the objections to the 825 Drake project, waiting list/vacancies oversight, and a selection committee to bring in new residents.


Special Orders: There were no further reports or special orders.


Unfinished Business and General Orders: No unfinished business was included on the agenda and none was entertained for discussion.


New Business: There was no new business raised for inclusion on the agenda.



With no further business before the Board, the Chair concluded the Meeting at 4:27 p.m.


With note made the next meeting of the RAB is scheduled for Wednesday, July 26th.  Items for the agenda were suggested and others are welcome to be submitted at least one week before the meeting.


Secretary Certification: Kathleen Wyatt with assistance of Edmond Clark


Minutes were prepared by Kathleen Wyatt, with assistance of Edmond Clark, from notes of the meeting and the Zoom video recording. It is noted the Zoom recording is essentially inaudible.

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